Who; tereteindahouse and painhelps What; SWF Event: Junpei's all about wooing this lady via movies, chocolates, and stuffed bears Where; Laura's place When; Sunday afternoon Rating; PG-13 Status; Ongoing
Who; morethanafour and tereteindahouse What; Out on patrol Where; Everywhere! When; Sunday afternoon Rating; PG-13 at the most Status; Closed and ongoing
Who; Angeal Hewley, possible forest beasties. What; Lying half-conscious, somewhere in the forest. Where; On the ground. In the forest. When; Mid-day? Rating; PG-13 for mild violence / possible R for adult concepts? Status; OPEN TO EVERYBODY~!
Who; Voodoo and all of those here + others invited by guests coming. What; Christmas party Where; Voodoo's place When; Christmas Eve, evening Rating; PG-13 for now Status; Ongoing forever! Tag in forever! Backdate forever!
Who: Minako (xxii_thefool) and OPEN to SEES cast and whoever might have a reason to happen into their dorm What: For once, there's not a crisis going on! Yay downtime. Where: SEES dorm. When: Daytime Monday. Rating: Not likely to go higher than PG at the worst. Status: Ongoing; open.
Who; tereteindahouse and painhelps What; Junpei's back, Laura wanted to see him, and he has an idea for a welcome back 'party' Where; The Library When; Wednesday Evening Rating; PG Status; Ongoing
Who; Everyone's invited! What; The Queen has returned! Where; Megala Thea! When; November 5th, Evening Rating; Please keep it PG-13 Status; Ongoing;Very Open
Who; yearrounder and whoever wants to comfort a crying teenage girl. What; Minor breakdown. It’s been building up for a while. Where; The library When; Tuesday, afternoon/evening Rating; G-PG Status; OPEN; ongoing
Who; tereteindahouse and painhelps What; Junpei goes to pay a visit to his friend... with presents Where; Where-ever Laura is staying. I lost track. When; Wednesday afternoon Rating; PG Status; Ongoing
Who; tereteindahouse and OPEN TO ANY(First come first eaten/attacked ^_- ) the_convict What; The Hunger has hit Junpei. Hard. Where; Road between the Marketplace and the Residential Area When; Sunday Evening Rating; PG-13 Status; Ongoing